the magic of the internet at play where i clickety-clicketied my way to this wonderful read. thank you for being open, vulnerable and so you <3 i hope, at least this space, you get to be you and prioritise how you want to turn over stranger's needs (aka me haha) cheering you on through these small and big moments of clarity, embodied realisations and playfulness that seems to bring (and the world around you!) joy~ ✨

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Spencer Chang

"I wear my shame with a seething pride." <3

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"Accepting your “weaknesses” and shames and considering them in the light of what they empower you to do is grounding." Loved this!

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Spencer Chang

“I’m trying to view the tension as my body telling me that I care.” !!!

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