poetic web3 photo (82-88 📝)
web3 principle questions, photography origin, personal reminders, and a poem
I spent last week eating way too much food, viewing a moderate amount of thrift stores, and being sad about the Ghibli exhibit being sold out. For the first time, I spent Thanksgiving with friends instead of family, driving down to Los Angeles and holing up in a WeHo VRBO. Some fun fits were made, and I got to do a dance class at Playground LA (a supposedly beginner/intermediate class that was harder than any intermediate/advanced class I’ve taken in SF lol). Hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving!
Here’s a couple topic concentrations these mini-essays cover:
web3: been diving in deeper and deeper into web3 stuff lately, especially with the ConstitutionDAO stuff and going to be experimenting with some NFTs to learn more. 83 and 84 touch on a couple concepts that are fascinating to think about in the changed world with the permanence and inherent value of everything in web3, and 86 talks about my reflection on ConsitutionDAO stuff.
photography: I finally got around to editing my photos from Alaska and have been trying to curate specific “collections” for them based on vibe rather than the trip itself. That got me inspired to write about my origin story with photography, which you can find in 85 (P.S. I revamped the photos section on my website to showcase my favorite photos too!)
82, 87, and 88 reflect misc. personal things inspired by events on the day of.
88 - two toned
11.22.21 // 60 words - a poem about dissonance
87 - life suppressants
11.20.21 // 206 words - this is a reminder to never compromise my ability to be fully present for every moment.
86 - scope of normality
11.18.21 // 496 words - Normal is variable, an always-shifting concept in our minds, that binds us together or drives us apart.
85 - photography origin
11.16.21 // 621 words - The origin story of why I like photography.
84 - financialization
11.14.21 // 698 words - I crave for an internet-native space where it’s okay to just be yourself and let your hair down—where making things that are worthless and inefficient are not only allowed but encouraged rather than squeezed for every penny they’ll generate.
83 - allure of ephemerality
11.12.21 // 374 words - In the web3 world, where everything is permanent, stored on-chain forever. This chaotic, ephemeral process of creation is especially compelling. It harkens to the instability of the current Internet…
82 - fear perspectives
11.11.21 // 382 words - I think one of the highest leverage personal growth moments is learning how to overcome fear. And then repeating that over and over and over again, until the process is inscribed into your body.
As always just reply to this email if you have any thoughts — I love hearing from y’all :)
As someone who considers a good photo to be one that hasn't cut anyone out of the frame, I really liked your blog post about what photography means to you and the two-part story behind every photo 😁
Hehe I spy ingredients for somaek 👀